Tag Archives: identity

JetLAG music festival is a collision of cultures. Is it Russian? Jewish? American? One Russian Israeli headed to the festival to sort out the confusion.

La nourriture nous rassemble, autour d’un plat, les voix s’élèvent et célèbrent et créent des moments à partager. This unique and TASTY hands-on cooking workshop is a chance to discover Sephardic recipes, and to hear the stories of identity, tradition, immigration and change that emerge from them.

Shtetl, Frid. Nov, 18th: They don’t draw inside the community lines. They’re musical, creative, from Orthodox families, political, pissed off…they’re Punk Jews! Also, are you OBSESSED. Tally Abecassis tells us about her awesome storytelling night: This Really Happened. The theme? Obsessions.

Follow Sista Shiksa as she negotiates the traditional Jewish laws and customs, from making her first batch of knishes to following the siddur in synagogue.