Events | Atelier de cuisine: Sephardic Jewish Cooking with Anna Goren

May 5th from 5:30PM  to 8PM at Santropol Roulant. Mostly when you think of ‘Jewish Food’ you think gefilte fish (what is actually in those guys anyways?) and matzoh balls. Come learn about the untapped world of Sephardic Jewish cooking, with dishes from the Jews of Turkey, Rhodes, and Tunisia. Coming off the back of Passover, three dishes are also gluten-free, with no matzoh flour! You will have a delicious meal to eat and a little something to take home.

Nous allons apprendre à cuisiner des boyechos (petites patisseries au fromage de Rhodes), yeprakes (feuilles de vignes fourrés de Turquie), shakshouka (oeufs en sauce tomates de la Tunisie) et mustachudos (un biscuit surprenament délicieux de la Pâques juive de Rhodes).

To sign up:

*SVP apportez un tupperware en cas de restants!
*Suggested donation of $10