Shortwave | Watching Over The Dead

Dearest Shtetl listeners, it’s that time of year for all things spooky. To indulge and enjoy the ghosts we’re afraid of and revel in the macabre. Halloween is a once a year brouhaha when we find out that our neighbours are in fact the axe murderers, goblins, devils and mischievous evil do-ers we always knew they were! This week on Shtetl’s Halloween special, meet someone who is probably a little more at home with death than the average Montrealer. His job is to watch over the bodies of deceased Jews. His name is Franky Berdah and he is the shomer at Paperman’s funeral home. Get the inside scoop on this sacred and uncommon line of work, and also…a tour of Paperman’s for a little “behind the scenes” glimpse.

Music by The Sway Machinery, Colleen, Golem, The Barry Sisters, Billy Holiday, Yosele Rosenblatt and of course, William Shatner.

Best regards from your very wicked host,