Tag Archives: Egypt

When falafel was declared “Israel’s national snack”, a furore arose over what was seen by many as an Israeli appropriation of an Arab dish. Montreal director Ari Cohen’s latest film: Felafelism, explores the history, the roots, the taste, the politics, the dreams…all embedded in one little snack ball called the felafel.

This documentary follows the efforts of Reverend Majed El Shafie and his organization One Free World International over a four-year period as he travels on fact-finding missions to investigate and document human rights abuses against religious minorities around the world.

Lucette Lagnado presents her new memoir, a compelling story about life journeys from Cairo to Brooklyn, from sequestered synagogues to coed dorms. Books and autographs available.

Egyptian Montrealer, Ehab Lotayef speaks about the uprising in Egypt today and the paralells with the ancient Passover story. And, Avi Grenadier, host of Radio 613, talks about Jewish radio in Kingston, anarchism and the contradiction between freedom and the Passover seder.