Tuesday March 20, 2012. 6:30 pm
Human Trafficking is the modern term for slavery. Recent statistics show that over 27 million people are bought, sold, or coerced into forced labour or sexually exploited every year. 80% are women and 50% are children. Canada is part of these statistics!
Join us for a panel discussion with:
* Annie Robert, Human Trafficking Awareness Coordinator, RCMP Montreal
*Samantha Garcia, Trafficking Project Coordinator, Canadian Council for Refugees
*Liliane Kohl, Temple Committee Against Human Trafficking, Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
Become more aware of the situation and find out how you can help end modern slavery.
The A-Team is a group of socially minded young adults who bring awareness to a different social issue every month. For more information about the group, message Rebecca Berman.
Cafe Depanneur, 206 Bernard