Shortwave | Next Exit to Yiddishland

Please click the play button below to hear this episode of Shtetl on the Shortwave.    Where is Yiddishland and do you need a passport to get there? Shtetl recorded a live panel at KlezKanada this August and asked some of the young coolsters producing, studying and living in this rich, weird, funky, political, literary and artsy world how they got there and what they get from it.

The Shtetl Klez Kanada Panelists:  
Benjy Fox-Rosen (bassist & singer), Esther Gottesman (native Yiddish speaker from a long line of Yiddishists including her granny the famed poet Beyle Schaechter Gottesman), Sarah Gordon (lead singer of Yiddish Princess), Anthony Russell (opera singer turned Yiddish chanteur), Shayn Smulyan (prince of the Yiddish ivory tower), and Daniel Kahn (lead singer of The Painted Bird).

Music played on the show by Daniel Kahn & The Painted Bird, a bissl Bob Marley, Benjy Fox-Rosen, Yiddish Princess, Anthony Russell, a wee bit of the Shtetlblasters, Geoff Berner and Orkestar Kriminal.

Happy Sukkot and as they say in Yiddish, muchas gracias for tuning amigos!

p.s. In other news, Shtetl is currently on a road trip to Berlin so stay tuned for special upcoming editions about Jewish arts and culture from Deutschland.