Shortwave | Kosher Gospel on Shtetl

(Please scroll down to the play icon below to listen to this episode of Shtetl on the Shortwave).

You may be asking yourself, “What is kosher gospel?” Tune in to hear Shtetl’s live interview with the man who originated this form of Jewish musical expression, African-American cantor Joshua Nelson.  And see Nelson perform live in Montreal on January 26th.

Also, learn about the history of Jewish Montreal through an interactive museum that takes you on a virtual walking tour of the hot spots from Montreal’s glory days of cantorial music.  Interview with Zev Moses creator of the Interactive Museum of Jewish Montreal.

Interior of the B'nai Jacob on Fairmount Ave during a service at the time of a Victory Parade through Montreal's Jewish neighbourhood, 1945. Cantor Mendelson of the Shaar Hashomayim synagogue is among those officiating at the service. Courtesy of CJCCCNA.

Music in this episode by Joshua Nelson, Yossele Rosenblatt, Gideon Zelermeyer, Moshe Kussevitsky, Socalled, Mahalia Jackson.