Events | A Series of Workshops on North American Jewish Identity

Sundays, March 4- March 25, 2012. 2-4pm

Lily Simon, an undergraduate student at McGill University, has organized a series of  workshops on North American Jewish  Identity. You are welcome to come no matter what your background is, or level of knowledge in the subjects. Each discussion session/workshop will hopefully be both informative and engaging; the goal is to have open conversations about our experiences and ideas about various topics relating to Judaism.

March 4: Jewish feminism and gender

What is Judaism’s relationship to gender? Is it necessarily a patriarchal tradition? What does it mean to be a feminist Jew? Are these two identities compatible; can they coexist or mutually create each other?


March 11: Jewish tradition, ritual, and secularism

What is the meaning behind various Jewish traditions? What does it mean to be a secular Jew or religious Jew and find meaning behind traditions and rituals? How is this meaning constructed, and can it be reconstructed in innovative, potentially more accessible ways? What is the balance between tradition for the sake of tradition, and tradition for meaning?


March 18: Racial/Ethnic and class dynamics

This session will explore racial/ethnic and socio-economic class divisions within Jewish communities and discourse. How do these intersect? How does one’s social status within the Jewish community relate to greater social divisions within North American society and systems of power?


March 25: Themes of Jewish victimhood and power

Are North American Jews victims? When, and how, have they been throughout history? In what ways do Jews hold power in North America? How are these narratives related to each other?


If you are interested, contact Lily to get more info and RSVP: